Goldador Dog Breed Information, Characteristics & Care Guide

Do you dream of a dog that can keep up with your adventures and still be the cuddle buddy at home? The Goldador, a mix between a Labrador Retriever and a Golden Retriever is great for families because they take the best traits from both of their parent breeds. They’re friendly, good with kids and other pets, smart, easy to train, and always want to make their owners happy. 

Goldadors are medium to large dogs with a strong body. They have a thick coat that could be cream, gold, or yellow and it’s good at keeping water out. They love water and are happy to play in it. 

Goldador Dog Breed Information
Goldador Dog Breed Information, Characteristics & Care Guide 6

Before getting a Goldador, make sure you’re ready for lots of walks and playtime. If you are, you’ll get a joyful, affectionate, and faithful family dog. Let me take you through the in-depth details of the Goldador dog breed.

Breed NameGoldador
OriginLabrador Retriever x Golden Retriever
Purpose Of BreedOriginally bred for working roles such as guide dogs, service animals, and bomb detection
Lifespan10-15 years
Weight60-80 pounds
Height22-24 inches at the shoulder
Coat ColorGold, cream, yellow, black, brown, or reddish; can vary even within the same litter
Coat TypeThick, water-resistant, can be wavy or straight; short to medium length, double-layered
TemperamentAffectionate, highly intelligent, friendly, devoted
Ideal ForFamilies, homes with or without other pets

The Goldador is a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador, bred over ten years ago to be a working dog. They’re used as guide dogs, service animals, emotional support pets, and even for bomb detection. They’re smart, eager to please, and really helpful to their owners.

In the 1700s, St. John’s water dogs from Newfoundland were the parent breeds of this mix. Local fishermen wanted a dog that could help them hunt and retrieve game, and also be good at swimming. So, they mixed Newfoundlands with local water dogs, which led to the St. John’s water dog.

When people in England found out about these dogs, they brought some over and eventually bred what we now know as Labrador Retrievers. As early as 1887, the Earl of Malmesbury first wrote about the Labrador Retriever.

In 1868, Lord Tweedmouth, also known as Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, mixed a Tweed Water Spaniel with a yellow Flat-Coated Retriever. This mix, which also came from the St. John’s water dogs, led to the first Golden Retrievers. 

Our knowledge of this history comes from Lord Tweedmouth’s detailed records of breeding. His family traveled with these dogs, making them popular worldwide.

The name “Golden Retriever” was officially used in 1908 at the Crufts dog show in the UK. Before that, they were called Yellow Retrievers.

Now, in the 21st century, we have the Goldador. It’s known for being friendly, smart, and lovable. Since it’s a newer breed, there’s still much to learn. But Goldadors have inherited great traits from their parent breeds.

Goldadors are medium to big dogs with strong bodies. Their fur is thick, can handle water well, and comes in colors like gold, cream, or yellow. Since both Golden Retrievers and Labradors are energetic, Goldadors need lots of exercise to be happy.

These dogs are big and strong, just like their Golden Retriever and Labrador parents, and they have a friendly look. Adult Goldadors have about 60–80 pounds weight and are about 22–24 inches in height.

Since Goldadors are a mix, their fur color and type can be a surprise, even among puppies from the same family. They often have golden or yellow fur, but you can also find black, brown, or even reddish Goldadors. 

Their fur is usually wavy and they have a thick undercoat. Taking care of their fur is pretty simple: brush them a few times a week, but you may need to do it more when they shed a lot in spring and fall.

Goldadors may get certain features from their parents. For example, Golden Retrievers have thick fur that doesn’t get wet easily and fluffy tails. Labradors have a soft, short coat that’s good in all weather, and their thick tails help them swim.

Goldador Dog Characteristics

Goldadors are usually friendly and easygoing, just like both types of Retrievers they come from. Their relationship with children and animals is quite good. They’re smart, easy to train, and really want to please their owners. It means they listen well when being trained.

Each Goldador puppy can be a little different. Since they’re a mix of two breeds, you get a blend of personalities. But because Labradors and Golden Retrievers are quite similar in how they act, it’s easier to guess how a Goldador will turn out compared to mixes of very different breeds.

Goldadors don’t like being alone. They can start chewing on things if they’re bored or anxious by themselves. They could also get very excited easily, especially around new people, because they love making friends.

Both Golden Retrievers and Labradors were bred to retrieve things, so your Goldador might come with a strong urge to chase after small animals or follow interesting scents. It means you should have a fenced yard and teach them to come back to you when called.

Goldador Dog facts

Goldadors have a lifespan of 10-15 years.
Their coat can be short to medium in length and double-layered, with colors ranging from gold, yellow, black, and cream, to combinations of these.
They are known for being affectionate, intelligent, friendly, loyal, and always keen to please.
With a high energy level, 2 hours of daily activity is their basic need.
Generally, they are healthy, but they could be prone to certain health issues such as elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, some cancers, as well as ear infections.
After being America’s most famous dog breed for around 31 years, Labs was surpassed by the French Bulldog in 2023.

Nutrition and Feeding

Big dogs like Goldadors not only eat a lot but also need a special mix of nutrients, like minerals and vitamins, that’s different from what smaller dogs need. They can sometimes have issues with their stomachs and bloating; eating smaller meals more often can help avoid these problems.

Ensure that your dog’s food has got all the required nutrients and always give them fresh water. It’s a good idea to check your dog’s weight regularly to make sure they’re not getting too fat or too thin. Remember to feed them at least twice a day, following the recommendations on their food package.


Goldadors are usually healthy dogs and often live between 10 to 12 years. But, people thinking about getting one should know they could have different health issues. These issues involve troubles with their hips and elbows, as well as eye problems including progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts.

Goldadors might also get cancer more often than other dogs, including bone cancer, spleen cancer, and skin tumors. However, mixed-breed dogs like Goldadors are generally less likely to get genetic diseases compared to purebred dogs.

Since Goldadors are a new and popular mix, some breeders are not as careful about the dogs’ health as they should be.

To make sure you’re dealing with a good breeder and getting a healthy puppy, watch out for these warning signs:

  • A breeder who wants to send a puppy to you.
  • A place that sells many different breeds.
  • Hard to find contact info on the breeder’s website.
Goldador Dog Health

Space Requirements

The Goldador is a big, active dog that thrives in open spaces. They’re happiest with a lot of room to move around, making them perfect for homes with large yards. 

These dogs love the outdoors and need plenty of long walks to stay happy and healthy. So, a spacious living environment is essential for their well-being.

Exercise Needs

The Goldador comes from two very active breeds, so they love to move and need over two hours of exercise every day. They also like playing games, learning new things, playing with toys that make them think, and joining in on whatever the family is doing.

Grooming Goldadors

Taking care of a Goldador’s fur can be a bit of a guess since they get a short coat like a Labrador a longer one like a Golden Retriever, or something in between. They do shed, so they would need brushing regularly.

Even though they shed, looking after their fur isn’t too hard. But, if they have a longer coat, it can get tangled, especially behind their ears.


Grooming Goldadors

Goldadors are super easy to train and among the best out there. House training them is straightforward if you stick to a regular schedule for a few weeks. They can learn almost anything, from basic commands to more complex tasks like agility, helping out as assistance dogs, sniffing out bombs, or even search and rescue work. 

If they’re not trained, they’ll find their own ways to be helpful, so it’s a good idea to start training early and keep it up for their whole life. They need to keep their brains busy, so activities that make them think, like puzzle toys or learning new commands, will keep them happy. 

They are always responding positively to praise, play, or treats. Since they’re sensitive, it’s important not to be too harsh with them.

Goldadors are very active and social dogs who love having a job to do and being part of everything. Training them is enjoyable because they’re smart, enjoy working with their humans, and can pick up new skills quickly. 

That is why they do so well as working and assisting dogs. But, because they’re so clever, they could pick up bad habits as well, so you ought to use reward-based training from the start and keep it going. 

Keeping them busy with tasks helps keep their minds and bodies active, and they really like working alongside their owners and making them happy.

Goldador training

Yes, they are great pets, especially if you have kids or other animals at home. They are very friendly, prefer to be around their owners, and are always moving. They learn quickly because they like to make their owners happy and can do many different things.

Goldador puppy usually costs between $975 and $1650, with the average price around $1,300. This price is just for the puppy and doesn’t include any health promises, a microchip, or basic training. If you purchase Goldador from a good breeder, you may pay more than $1,300.

Goldadors are fully grown when they are 18 to 24 months old. At this age, they are great for running with you. They are easy to train because they come from a line of dogs that like working with people.

There’s no breed called a Golden Labrador. A Black Lab is the same breed, not a different one. An English Cream Golden Retriever isn’t more special or valuable than other Golden Retrievers. Labradors only come in black, yellow, or chocolate colors.

When our puppies are 10 weeks old, they eat about 1/2 cup of food three times a day. At 3 months, they need 2 cups a day. By 4 months, they should eat about 2 1/2 cups a day. Boys need about 3 cups a day by 5 months, and girls by 6 months.

Final Thoughts

I believe Goldadors are amazing dogs for anyone hunting for a friendly and active pet. They’re great with kids and fit well into family life, needing lots of love and exercise. 

Just remember, they do best with space to play and require some grooming. If you’re ready for the commitment, a Goldador could be the perfect pet member for your home.