Cinnamon Queen Chicken Breed: Profile, Traits, Care & More!

Have you ever come across a chicken breed that keeps laying eggs, no matter how cold it gets?

Cinnamon Queen Chickens are quite chill birds that inherit their traits from their parents Silver Laced Wyandotte hens and Rhode Island Red roosters. 

Cinnamon Queen Chickens are awesome at laying eggs, and thanks to their parents, they don’t mind the cold. Plus, they mostly have a type of comb on their head called a “rose comb.” Sometimes, they like to sit on their eggs to hatch them and they’re okay with not having a lot of space to roam around. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT Cuckoo Marans Breed

I’m going to reveal why Cinnamon Queen Chickens are a top pick for any coop, and share facts with you so stay tuned to the rest of the breed profile!

Cinnamon Queen Chicken Breed: Profile, Traits, & Care
Breed NameCinnamon Queen Chicken
Breed TypeHybrid
Egg ProductionHigh (250-300 eggs/year)
Egg ColorBrown
Egg Laying Age16-18 weeks
LifespanUsually 4 years, up to 6 with proper care
Weight 5.5 – 7.5 pounds (Roosters)
4.5 – 5.5 pounds (Hens)
FeatherCinnamon, red/brown with variations in roosters
Comb TypeMostly rose comb
PersonalityFriendly, not too skittish, noisy
Cold HardinessCan lay eggs in winter
BroodinessRarely goes broody
Space Requirements4 square feet per chicken in the coop
Other NamesGolden Comets
Molting Period7-8 weeks on average, can range from 4 to 12 weeks or more
Quick Breed Profile Review

Cinnamon Queens are really good at laying eggs, with each one laying about 250 to 300 big, brown eggs every year. They start laying eggs pretty young, at just 16 to 18 weeks old, and they even lay eggs through the winter. They only take a break from laying when they’re molting.

However, there is also a disadvantage of this type of chicken breed. Because they lay so many eggs early on, by the time they’re three to four years old, they almost stop laying eggs. They also don’t live as long as some other chicken breeds, often not more than four years.

Sometimes, Cinnamon Queens hatch their eggs. They’re great at being moms and are awesome choices if you want to hatch eggs yourself.

Moreover, these chickens need a lot of protein and calcium because they lay so many eggs. Make sure their food has at least 17 to 18% protein (source) and don’t give them too many snacks or table scraps; no more than 10% of what they eat each day.

If they don’t get to roam around freely or if they don’t get enough of the right nutrients, they’ll stop laying eggs.

Cinnamon Queen Chicks

Cinnamon Queen chickens are bigger and tougher than many other chicken breeds. The male chickens, or roosters, usually weigh between 5.5 and 7.5 pounds. The female chickens, or hens, are a little lighter, weighing between 4.5 and 5.5 pounds.

These chicken typically live around six years, but with a little care, they can reach up to 10 years old.

The Cinnamon Queen chickens get their name from their cinnamon-colored feathers, which have shades of red or brown. They come with yellow legs that don’t have any feathers, while there is a red crest on their heads called a comb. On the other hand, the roosters are mostly white but have some black or golden spots on them.

You should keep in mind that these chickens are a mixed breed, so if you hatch your own Cinnamon Queen chicks, they might not look exactly like their mom and dad. If you plan to grow your flock with them, you may see different colors.

The Cinnamon Queens chicken are really friendly with other chicken and people around them. They’re not too jumpy or scared like some other chicken types, which makes them perfect companions. They share a similar friendly and calm behavior with Buff Orpingtons.

Cinnamon Queens come from Rhode Island Red chickens, so they’re pretty noisy. They like to talk a lot with their chicken friends. Because of this, they’re not suitable for small backyards. They fit better in bigger spaces where their chatter won’t bother anyone.

Furthermore, these chickens are super sturdy, doing well in both chilly and warm climates. They’re easy to handle and known for laying lots of eggs. The eggs they lay are pretty neat, too, having a light brown shade dotted with dark spots.

Cinnamon Queen Chicken Facts

Cinnamon Queen chickens can have either single or rose combs, which makes them unique in appearance.
Some Cinnamon Queens lay eggs with slight variations in color, adding diversity to their egg production.
They are a hybrid breed, bred for their amazing egg-laying ability and not considered purebred.
Their peak egg production is impressively high but tends to decrease gradually after the first couple of years.
Due to their mixed heritage, Cinnamon Queens can have a different range of feather patterns and colors.

The Cinnamon Queen chicken came into being in the early ’90s, born from a mix between Rhode Island Red and Silver Laced Wyandotte chickens. The combination produced a chicken that lays eggs really well and sports lovely cinnamon-shaded feathers.

As a new breed, the Cinnamon Queen doesn’t have a long story to tell. Plus, it’s a special mix made for commercial puporses, so the history of chicken breeds used to make it is a secret until today. There isn’t much revealed about the origin of Cinnamon Queen Chicken breed.

Moreover, this chicken breed isn’t on the list of classic breeds the American Poultry Association talks about. So, you can’t enter them in chicken competitions or shows.

Cinnamon Queen chickens rarely go broody, it means that they sometimes decide to sit on their eggs to hatch them. But it is not impossible. Some Cinnamon Queen chickens are really good mothers.

However, it’s worth noting that because they are a hybrid breed, if you breed two Cinnamon Queens, the chicks that hatch may not be Cinnamon Queens themselves. They could come out in different colors or even as a different breed altogether.

As a hybrid breed known for their large eggs and beautiful cinnamon-colored feathers, they require specific care to live. From their dietary needs to their living conditions, I’m going to discuss the care guide in detail!


Taking care of Cinnamon Queen chickens means making sure they get enough healthy food to eat because they lay a lot of eggs. They need extra energy for making and laying those eggs. So, it’s important to feed them well with lots of vitamins and nutrients.

Some foods for them include:

  • Seeds and other foods high in protein
  • Chicken grit and eggshells for calcium
  • Mealworms and black fly larvae for protein
  • Crushed oyster shells
  • Fruits and vegetables

Cinnamon Queen Chickens need to have about 16% protein in their diet every day to keep laying eggs well. Adding things like mealworms or special feed can help. Dried mealworms are super appropriate because they’re about 53% protein, which is a big protein boost.

You can also give them sunflower seeds, sprouted lentils, and pumpkin seeds to keep them in tip-top shape. Leafy greens are full of vitamins they may not get otherwise. Adding in some fruit and veggie treats now and then boosts their nutrition too.

It’s important to always have their regular feed available in their coop. But just giving them their regular feed might not be enough for all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and keep laying eggs.

Always check before giving them any new treats or scraps to make sure they’re safe to eat.

Coop Setup

For Cinnamon Queen chickens to stay safe and happy, they need a good coop setup. Their house, or coop, should be big enough for them to roam around freely and have smooth air flow to keep it from getting damp.

Every chicken should be given 4 square feet of their own space inside their coop. So that it helps stop any fighting and keeps sickness from spreading.

They also need spots to sleep (perches) and special boxes for laying eggs (one box for every 4-5 hens).

Making sure their coop is strong and keeps out predators is also really important to keep them safe, especially at night.

Health Issues

Cinnamon Queen chickens are pretty strong physically and don’t get sick easily. But since they lay a lot of eggs, they can run into some egg-related problems. These include getting an egg stuck (egg-bound), issues with their insides coming out (prolapse), or belly infections (peritonitis) (source).

Also, the deficiency of enough calcium consumption can make their eggs have soft shells or no shells at all.

These health troubles are common in chickens that lay a ton of eggs every year because it’s a lot of work for their bodies.

Besides problems with laying eggs, Cinnamon Queens are generally best at fighting off diseases.

Still, like any chicken, they can get bugs like lice and mites, or catch colds that mess with their breathing. Keeping their living space clean and checking on their health regularly can help keep these issues away.

Cinnamon Queen chickens and ISA Browns are a bit different. ISA Browns come from mixing White Leghorn chickens with Rhode Island Red chickens and usually have brown/white colors. 

Sometimes, ISA Browns are sold as Cinnamon Queens, but true Cinnamon Queens are a mix of Silver Laced Wyandotte hens and Rhode Island Red roosters. They have patterns of reddish brown/black or sometimes just brown/red, and often have a type of head crest called a rose comb.

If you see a chicken with brown/red/black feathers and yellow legs, it’s probably a real Cinnamon Queen.

Both these chickens are known as red sexlinks, which means you can tell their gender by their color when they hatch, but they come from different chicken parent pairs. 

Cinnamon Queens have darker feathers, including black on their tails and sometimes rose combs, while ISAs are brown/red and white with no black, and they only have single combs.

Cinnamon Queens and Golden Comets are also often mixed up because they look alike and lay eggs at about the same rate. They’re also both really friendly. 

Like ISA Browns, Golden Comets only have one type of comb on their head, called a single comb. But Cinnamon Queens might have that single comb or a different type called a rose comb.

Cinnamon Queens start laying eggs around 18 to 20 weeks old, but some factors like diet and light can delay this. They lay plenty of eggs in the first two years, then production drops by 10 to 20 percent. Egg laying decreases to some extent by the third and fourth years. Egg count also dips during their molting period at the end of summer.

Cinnamon Queen chickens are usually louder than many other chicken breeds, which is great if you live close to others who may enjoy loud chicken noises.

Cinnamon Queen chickens are named Golden Comets. Cinnamon Queens are known for laying a lot of eggs, proving them suitable for poultry individuals who want lots of eggs.

A mix of Silver Laced Wyandotte hens and Rhode Island Red roosters, Cinnamon Queen chickens have higher laying eggs capabilities and can handle cold weather, so you’ll get eggs all year round.

Molting, when chickens lose old feathers and grow new ones, often takes about 7-8 weeks, but it could vary from 4 to 12 weeks or more. The timing for molting and when they lay eggs changes with the amount of daylight.

Ideal for laying eggs, the Cinnamon Queen Chicken is a perfect addition to any flock. They’re easy to take care of, even if you’re new to raising chickens, and they’ll help increase your egg supply a lot.

These chickens are super friendly, best for families. Just keep in mind, they’re not the best fit for city living but do really well on larger land where they can roam freely. So, consider all the things I have discussed above before getting a Cinnamon Queen Chicken (or a few) for your flock.